Lead Law Update (FAQ Series): What if a tenant has already signed a lease and the lead test has not yet been performed?
We are regularly receiving questions regarding the new Lead Law and have created a weekly “Frequently Asked Questions” (FAQ’s) forum for you as you desire to become more informed of the Lead Law and its complexity.
This week we are featuring a common question:
Question: What if a tenant has already signed a lease and the lead test has not yet been performed?
Answer: Landlords should immediately have the rental property lead tested and once completed, send the tenant the lead certificate and laboratory resents AND a Lead Certification Acknowledgement Form-this is a form many landlords use to show proof that they sent the lead results and certification to the tenant (which may be signed by the tenant if the landlord wants to have additional proof beyond an email, that the lead information has been acknowledged).
If you wish to receive a “Lead Certification Acknowledgement Form” please email us back or go to our website to download the form: