Lead Law Update (FAQ Series): What is the law regarding tenant communications for the new lead law?

We are regularly receiving questions regarding the new Lead Law and have created a weekly “Frequently Asked Questions” (FAQ’s) forum for you as you desire to become more informed of the Lead Law and its complexity.


This week we are featuring a common question:


Question: What is the law regarding tenant communications for the new lead law?


Answer: Landlords/Property managers are now required to provide each new tenant with the EPA booklet upon move-in.  Additionally, many landlords who are proactive are also requiring new tenants to sign a “Lead Pamphlet Certification” that validates that the tenant received the EPA Pamphlet.  Lastly (and importantly), the tenant is required to receive both the lead certificate and EPA report upon leasing or lease renewal.


If you are interested in receiving the EPA booklet or Lead Pamphlet Certification, it is available for downloading on our website per the link below:




We hope this information is useful/of interest to you and appreciate your continued business.


Lead Law Update (FAQ Series): If my building was built AFTER 1978, what do I need to file with the Public Health Department to obtain my rental license?


Lead Law Update (FAQ Series): Is the City of Philadelphia sending out L&I violations for outstanding lead tests?