Helpful resources, guides, and links for Property Managers in Philadelphia.

Add value to your clients by ensuring that their properties have all their “lead safe” certificates filed.
Property Managers can contract with us for their lead certifications and bill your clients for our services under your property management agreement.

EPA Lead Pamphlet

EPA Pamphlet on Lead Paint-Required for distribution to your tenants.

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Partners For Good Housing Brochure

The City of Philadelphia requires all landlords to provide Partners in Good Housing brochures to tenants. This brochure is issued by the Department of Licenses and Inspections (L&I). 

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Bed Bug Certification and Brochure

In addition to the complexity of the new lead law, the City of Philadelphia also now (effective December 2020) requires that all tenants receive a copy of the Bed Bug Brochure. This brochure is a guide to bed bug safety.

We recommend that you include this brochure in your leasing package and also have the tenant certify that they received the brochure.