Lead Law FAQ: If my property was lead safe tested before October 1, 2020, is my certificate valid?

We are regularly receiving questions regarding the new Lead Law and have created a weekly “Frequently Asked Questions” (FAQs) forum for you as you desire to become more informed of the Lead Law and its complexity.

This week we are featuring a common question.

Question: If my property was lead safe tested before October 1, 2020, is my certificate valid?

Answer: Unfortunately, no.

If your property was lead safe tested before October 1, 2020, then you were issued a 2-year certificate which is no longer valid*. The amended lead law (which went into effect on October 1, 2020) requires ALL rental properties (built before 1978) to be lead tested and the certificate is now valid for 4 years.

*If your certificate was issued between January 1, 2020 and October 1 2020 it is valid for 2 years but when you renew your rental license in 2022, this 2-year certificate will not be accepted by the public health department. It doesn’t make sense, but the City didn’t consider the overlap of certificates issued before October 1, 2020.


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