Lead Law Update (FAQ Series): What are the required leasing documents NOW required by the City of Philadelphia?

We are regularly receiving questions regarding the new Lead Law and have created a weekly “Frequently Asked Questions” (FAQ’s) forum for you as you desire to become more informed of the Lead Law and its complexity.


This week we are featuring a common question:


Question: What are the required leasing documents NOW required by the City of Philadelphia and most importantly, what documents will a landlord need to be able to evict a tenant? 


Answer:   This is a critical list for all landlords, property managers, and rental real estate agents.  Per the top eviction attorneys in Philadelphia, you will not be able to evict a tenant (or even get a hearing in municipal court) without having proof of the following documents. 

We strongly recommend that all of these documents are included in your standard leasing package:

  • Rent Suitability Certificate (signed by tenant)

  • Partners for Good Housing Certificate or Booklet (signed by tenant)

  • Lead Certificate & EPA Laboratory Report (and proof that they were sent to tenant, not required to be signed)*

  • A current rental license

  • Lease (signed by tenant)

Additionally, but not related to evictions, you should also have included in your leasing package:

  • Bed Bug Certification (Signed) & Brochure - This is a new requirement

*If you have an uncooperative tenant (and therefore cannot get access to do the lead test) contact us as we have identified a process to obtain an “exemption” that has been accepted by the municipal court.


These resources are available on our resources for landlord page or by request.

Link to Rent Suitability Certificate


Lead Law Update (FAQ Series): What happens if my property fails the lead test?


Lead Law Update (FAQ Series): How many “test readings” are taken for “lead free” vs a “lead safe” test?