Lead Law Update (FAQ Series): What are the required leasing documents NOW required by the City of Philadelphia and most importantly, what documents will a landlord need to be able to evict a tenant?
Dear Lead Testing Services Customers-
We are regularly receiving questions regarding the new Lead Law and have created a weekly “Frequently Asked Questions” (FAQ’s) forum for you as you desire to become more informed of the Lead Law and its complexity.
This week we are featuring a common question:
Question: What are the required leasing documents NOW required by the City of Philadelphia and most importantly, what documents will a landlord need to be able to evict a tenant?
Answer: This is a critical list for all landlords, property managers and rental real estate agents. Per the best eviction attorneys in Philadelphia, you will NOT be able to evict a tenant (or even get a hearing in municipal court) without having proof of the following documents.
We strongly recommend that all of these documents are included in your standard leasing package:
· Rent Suitability Certificate (signed)
· Partners for Good Housing Certificate or Booklet (signed by tenant)
· Lead Certificate & EPA Laboratory Report (and proof that they were sent to tenant, not required to be signed)*
· A current rental license
· Lease (signed by tenant)
Additionally, but not related to evictions, you should also have included in your leasing package:
· Bed Bug Certification (Signed) & Brochure-This is a new requirement
*If you have an uncooperative tenant (and therefore cannot get access to do the lead test) contact us as we have identified a process to obtain an “exemption” that has been accepted by the municipal court
These resources are ALL available on our website (via link below) or by request:
Link to Rent Suitability Certificate:
Link to Rental License (Via Eclipse):