Lead Law Update (FAQ Series): What are the details of the recently approved Bed Bug law?
Dear Lead Testing Services Customers-
We are regularly receiving questions regarding the new Bed Bug Law and have created a weekly “Frequently Asked Questions” (FAQ’s) forum
This week we are featuring a common question:
Question: What are the details of the recently approved Bed Bug law?
Answer: In addition to the complexity of the new lead law, the City of Philadelphia also now requires that all tenants receive a copy of the Bed Bug Brochure.
This brochure is a guide to bed bug safety. Here are the highlights of the new bed bug law:
· If a tenant complains about bed bugs in their rental property, the landlord must hire a pest control professional to investigate and eliminate any infestation, and perform follow-up inspections for 12 months.
· If a landlord doesn’t respond to their notice or have the infestation eliminated, tenants can file a complaint with the Department of Licenses & Inspections.
We recommend that you include a bed bug brochure in your leasing package and also have the tenant certify that they received the brochure. An example of a certification as well as the details of the law is also available on our website per the link below:
As always, we are available for your testing needs and if you have questions, please give us a call