Lead Law Update (FAQ Series): Where do I find the “date built” to determine if I am exempt from doing a lead test?
We are regularly receiving questions regarding the new Lead Law and have created a weekly “Frequently Asked Questions” (FAQ’s) forum for you as you desire to become more informed of the Lead Law and its complexity.
This week we are featuring a common question:
Question: Where do I find the “date built” to determine if I am exempt from doing a lead test?
(Any building that was built after 1978, is still required to file an exemption form)
Answer: The City has the record of the "date built" on the OPA site. You can look this up using the link: https://atlas.phila.gov/ Although the current lead law provides for a specific “exemption” for lead testing if the property was “built after March 1978”, the landlord or property manager is still required to file the “exemption form” with the Public Health Department
And just a reminder...
The following are the next set of ZIP codes (Phase 4) that are due starting April 1, 2022 (through September 30, 2022)
19103 19106 19111 19114 19115 19116 19123
19136 19147 19149 19150 19152 19154