Lead Law Update (FAQ Series): Why does the EPA laboratory results only provide lead readings up to 5 mirco-grams?

We are regularly receiving questions regarding the new Lead Law and have created a weekly “Frequently Asked Questions” (FAQ’s) forum for you as you desire to become more informed of the Lead Law and its complexity.


This week we are featuring a common question: 


Analysis of lead dust samples

QuestionWhy does the EPA laboratory results only provide lead readings up to 5 mirco-grams?


Answer: The EPA laboratory uses flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry to quantify the lead in samples measured by micrograms per square from the samples taken at the property. Since we are testing an area of 1 square foot (for the windowsills and floors), the reporting limit is 5 micrograms. Therefore, any amount of lead less than 5 micrograms cannot be measured with this specificity and as such is reported as <5 micrograms.


Lead Law Update (FAQ Series): Are day care facilities required to be lead tested?


Lead Law Update (FAQ Series-VERY IMPORTANT): In eviction court, does a landlord need to “prove” that the lead certificate was sent to the tenant?