FAQ Series: What is the latest news on the Phase 4 Rental Assistance?

As part of our efforts to provide valuable resources to our customers, we regularly share information that we have researched that can be of use to landlords and property managers.  This week we are featuring information that may be of value to your tenants (and therefore may be beneficial to you as well)

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QuestionWhat is the latest news on Phase 4 Rental Assistance?


Although we are not 100% certain as no formal announcement has been made, a few of our customers have indicated that they have received confirmation that some of their tenants’ applications for Phase 4 rental assistance have been approved.

These landlords indicated that they did not receive any money yet but merely have received approvals of their tenants’ rental assistance applications.

We recommend that you keep an eye out for emails from the City of Philadelphia regarding your tenants’ applications


FAQ Series: Have any Phase 4 Rental Assistance payments been made to landlords?


Lead Law Update (FAQ Series): For multi-unit (duplex, triplex, quadruplex, etc.) properties, does each rental unit require a separate lead certificate?